I didn't mean it that way, I was merely stating my opinion, because you see, that is the beauty of the review system. You state your opinion to let the author, or users, know what you think of the movie or game.
I was complimenting the game, saying I enjoyed it, but that doesn't necessarily mean it isn't overrated.
I KNOW that's the beauty of the system, I KNOW that it's put together by users, but that doesn't change the fact that it is rated too high, merely because of the fact that you two are indeed exalted, unlike me. If say, Piconjo made this game, it would have a score around 3.30
If I made the game, it would have around a 4.00, or at least 3.50
I'm not dissing it, I am merely stating what I think, because I feel the need to do so. That's why people review. To give feedback.
One more thing I forgot to include, I loved the way the kid punched open the door, and closed it the same way. I don't know why, I just thought it was hilarious.
By the way Snoogma is my friend and he told me to say that...